Monthly Archives: November 2010

It Wasn’t THAT Special.

I was bored the other day so I headed back to Nipton, intending to travel south and explore down there. Before I did though, I decided to stop in at that shop and check on Joe Cripple Powder Ganger who … Continue reading

Posted in Fallout: New Vegas | 1 Comment

Just Making Awkward Conversation

People keep asking my dog if Benny begged for it before he killed him. STOP ASKING MY DOG THAT, HE WASN’T EVEN THERE HE’S A DOG JUST STOP IT

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Collecting Digits

One of the very first things I did in the Wasteland was find a dead guy who had a finger laying on floor next to him. The finger weighed nothing and it seemed like something a weirdo might pay me … Continue reading

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Maybe This Is Why They Don’t Like Me

Conversation I keep having with this NCR Ranger: ME: HELLO NCR RANGER!HIM: What do you need?ME: I need to get going. (Apparently)HIM: Bye.

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It’s A Pretty Simple Policy.

Hey! Hey you fucking bird. You stupid fucking crow landing over there like a fuckhead. Fuck you! You are fucking annoying. “Oh my gosh look something is showing up friendly on my compass over there! What could it be?” Oh, … Continue reading

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It’s the Pitts.

(Fallout 3 story from the The Pitt DLC) To put it lightly, everyone in the Pitt immediately pissed me off. The slavers/raiders for being assholes, the slaves for being annoying. I would’ve just left immediately and gone back to the … Continue reading

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I’m Making My Own Vegas! With Blackjack! And Hookers!

Well, getting the luck implant and the naughty nightwear really turned things around at the casinos for me as I am now banned from all of them. I didn’t get any free drinks in the Ultra-Luxe at all while I … Continue reading

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Take The Things I Drop On You, Dammit, I’m Trying to Be Nice.

The other day a local in Freeside walked up to me to tell me something about someone being in the Lucky 38, gosh who could it be. IT’S ME. IT’S FUCKING ME. I HAVE BRIGHT BLUE HAIR I AM VERY … Continue reading

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Et Tu, Blue?

I’m hanging with the Khans. I’m not entirely sure I love them because of how violent they seem, but I’ve never seen them crucify people so that’s a big plus. They’re thinking of allying with Caesar’s people though and I … Continue reading

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I See Dead Hookers.

I spent most of yesterday hanging out in Gomorrah. It’s probably my least favorite casino on the strip honestly because everyone there just tells me to fuck off constantly. Though I hate the Ultra-Luxe too…maybe Gomorrah wins out just for … Continue reading

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