Monthly Archives: October 2010

Open Your Books to Page SIT THE FUCK DOWN

I headed up north to see the Boomers yesterday, and after like two days of doing little favors for them, I am IDOLIZED there. The NCR though? Now I’m “Unpredictable.” Fuck you too NCR. I’m not unpredictable! It is easy … Continue reading

Posted in Fallout: New Vegas | 1 Comment

Ode To My Sniper Rifle

Oh Sniper Rifle. Have my deadly armor-piercing bullet-babies that will fire out of you and into the sides of deathclaws who are not even aware of our presence, and then collapse to the ground in a slumped heap. Oh Sniper … Continue reading

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Cass Is Like Everyone’s Grandma

I visited Michael Angelo’s shop and as he whined about his lack of inspiration, I offered to take pictures of Wasteland for him, since his pansy-ass is too pansy to go out there itself. He gives me a sweet “Codac” … Continue reading

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Escape From (And Return To) Rivet City

(Fallout 3 story!) So back in the day, my favorite place to wreak havoc was Rivet City. This huge boat, filled with people I found to be mostly just annoying, made for many opportunities to bother them. I would often … Continue reading

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Oh God, This Is A Mess. I Have to Fix This.

Today I killed the Van Graffs. Then took their bodies and piled them up in the dumpster outside their shop. It took forever because of all the limbs that had fallen off, but goddammit I did it. I’m not gonna … Continue reading

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Is There An Ending to The Game Where I Burn Everything Down?

I spent most of the day on Friday drinking whiskey and recruiting people/things to be prostitutes for the Atomic Wrangler. I felt drunk and helpful. Last night, I helped another prostitute get out of her job and helped two chem … Continue reading

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Maybe This Is Why I Never Get Free Drinks…

My new favorite game is to go into the casinos, jump on one of them there gambling tables and then play “The Floor is Lava.” I can’t imagine a drunk crazy chick with bright blue hair in combat armor, with … Continue reading

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It’s Just That You Scream At Everything…

(This is a story from Fallout 3) My favorite gun in Fallout 3 was the special sniper rifle called the “Victory Rifle.” The best thing about this gun was that it made people fall down. Making people fall down from … Continue reading

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Get A Strap For It.

Dear Brotherhood of Steel People Who Asked Me to Do that Dumb Thing, Fuck you. Fuck you a million times. Next time you lose a fucking gun, just take one of your other guns in the giant pile there and … Continue reading

Posted in Fallout: New Vegas | Leave a comment

Please I Need It.

This Caravan game shit is fucking weird man. But apparently quite popular. As I approached Primm, walking there from Goodsprings, injecting stimpaks directly into my left foot because you ain’t finding insoles for your high arches in the Wasteland motherfucker, … Continue reading

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