Category Archives: Fallout 3

I Banged Your Mothership

We continue our journey through parts of the ship, with me haphazardly doing whatever and hoping that eventually a door will look like the correct one to go through. This method has yet to fail me, so I will stick … Continue reading

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I ask Sally for some details on this space walk, but forget to pay attention when I notice that there is more wasteland-y shit around up here. Ammo, frag mines, a toaster, a bottlecap mine, some apples. I start to … Continue reading

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His Name Was Just Paulson

After conversing with all my new friends, I ask Sally what I’m supposed to do now because I was completely not paying attention when she told me earlier. And uh, maybe a little drunk. Okay really drunk. I’m still drunk … Continue reading

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Wasted in the Spaceland

Somah and I are looking for somewhere to go that’s not the same 25 foot hallway of spaceship when I hear a voice coming from one of the cells asking for help. Another prisoner! It’s… it’s a kid. Great. I … Continue reading

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Clothesing Time

Hey there folks! It’s me, Reddy S. Gogh, here with drunken news from the Capital Wasteland.  The other day, me and my mutie pal Fawkes noticed that sitting around our house is 160 Nuka-Grenades and something needed to be done … Continue reading

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Based on Actual Fictional Events

Here is a sonnet that my friend Niall wrote for me about my adventures in The Pitt. It is awesome. Please enjoy it. In ragged garments, as a slave would dress,I yielded all my weapons at the gate“This better be … Continue reading

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Brain Mistrust

So where was I? Oh yeah, going back to Desmond’s. As I approach his mansion, the fucking thing EXPLODES! Motherfucker! I was gonna chill there later after I murdered everything. Fuck! I look around a bit and find a door … Continue reading

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Let me make one thing clear, real quick. At this point of this series of quests, I really have no idea why I keep going. I hate Desmond, I hate these tribals, Nadine is okay, but who cares. I can’t … Continue reading

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Feeling Bogged Down

It’s safe to say that Desmond and I got off to a rough start. I showed up at a bad time in his life (guys in underwear were attacking him) and helped him out because everyone one else would’ve killed … Continue reading

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Lookout Bah-Low Me

I am going to write, for a while, about Point Lookout. It might take multiple entries. Two, maybe three. It might even take four of these goddamn things. This is because I went through entire area just ANGRY at every … Continue reading

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