Monthly Archives: February 2011

Pick of the Litter

Today I finally went to Vault 11. Rex was way enthusiastic about mauling those rats and mantises (mantisese?) and I was enthusiastic about throwing things on the floor. I eventually come to find that the vault would once a year … Continue reading

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Whiskey Business

Ugh, okay, what’s been going on. I found some irradiated whiskey in Camp Searchlight. I pondered taking it for some time, because of its status as “irradiated.” It occurred me that every goddamn thing I touch is irradiated and that … Continue reading

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Heads Up!

You dumb wastelanders. You’re so dumb. So. So. Dumb. When I agree to help you, right? Please, graciously accept my help. I know, I look crazy. I’m wearing a space suit and I have bright blue hair and now I’m … Continue reading

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But You Say He’s Just a Fiend, Oh You Say He’s Just a Fiend

Having reacquainted myself with the Wasteland and reacquired my buddies and taken a moment to sleep with a prostitute and also taken some time to just fucking sleep, I decided that those fiends in Vault 3 had gotten a free … Continue reading

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They Like It When You Throw Pre-War Money In Their Face

It was so good to be back in Wasteland. Oh crappy half-dead tree, how I missed you! Oh blackened, charred bush, you brighten my day so much! Even YOU cranky NCR Trooper who tells me that I am too unpredictable … Continue reading

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