Monthly Archives: January 2011

I Ain’t Saying She’s a Gold Digger

Now that all my companions are found and/or killed, Father E tells me it’s time to start breaking into the Vault. I can’t remember why I wasn’t just trying to break into the vault this whole time, honestly. Why did … Continue reading

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Dog is My Co-Pilot Light

All right, one person refound, two more to go. I didn’t kill that chick, even though that Elijah dude wanted me to. I figured, who cares, I like her and she hates that Father E too. Up next is the … Continue reading

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Four Words? Sounds Like? Fuck. You. Old. Man.

FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. I MEAN Are you fucking kidding me? Let’s do a little fucking recap here, okay? I get hit in … Continue reading

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I Feel So Shot At, I Wanna Go Home.

At the top of the bell tower, I took a deep breath of whiskey and flipped the control switch to activate the gala event. I looked out at the casino and saw fireworks shooting into the air and and all … Continue reading

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I Get It. Ding. It’s Very Nice.

Well I’m at my spot. It was frustrating as hell getting here, with these stupid ghosts and one time I fell into some death air that seemed to just be a pit with no way out except a gate that … Continue reading

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I’m Going Sierra MADre.

Oh how I annoyed was I! To discover that when attempting to purchase alcohol from a store hologram that among my missing items are also ALL OF MY CAPS. MY POCKETS. ARE NOT JINGLING LOUDLY WITH MY EVERY FOOTSTEP ANYMORE. … Continue reading

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Why You Wanna Give Me The Run Around?

So a ghoul, a mutant, and a mute chick walk into a toxic gas. Stop me if you heard this. BECAUSE IT IS MY HELL. Ugly Ass Old Dude (aka Father Elijah) has sent me out to find a three … Continue reading

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Get A Pen, It’s a Long List.

All right, all right, let’s do this Dead Money shit. I should be immediately cautious because DEAD is right there in the name, all bright and on display, but like everything else I do in the Wasteland, I charge in … Continue reading

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Motherfucker. A collar on my neck? Oh don’t be clever? I am taking a bullet out right now and writing your name on it. I’ll play your little game. But make no mistake, my one goal in life right now … Continue reading

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