Oh how I annoyed was I! To discover that when attempting to purchase alcohol from a store hologram that among my missing items are also ALL OF MY CAPS.
Thankfully the hologram will also take these spears I took off some dead ghosts. Because I really needed that booze then.
Why does the hologram deal in caps in the first place? Explain to me, Pre-war hologram! Why you are not only accepting, but EXPECTING and LIMITING YOURSELF TO a currency you should not even be aware exists?
I accidentally punched that ghoul guy in the arm. With my bear trap claw. I felt bad for the splittest of seconds until the feeling was replaced with how very very good it felt. Especially since he will not give me those sunglasses he is wearing.
I deserve them!
I keep finding dressers full of Dirty Pre-War Clothing Item, and have decided that the dirty means it is actually kinky clothes. Picking up Pre-War Spring Outfits and saying, “oooh you a dirty Pre-war Spring Outfit, aren’t you? Dirty, dirty!”
Also also, while I am rambling about whatevers and whathaveyous
Whoever put all these Sierra Madre chips around town, I would like to THANK YOU so much for spacing them out in the most annoooooyyying way possible. Thank you for placing some on a chessboard, so that in my attempts to grab them, I accidentally picked up a chessboard.
I have all three of these schmucks in their places now. I guess I have to get somewhere too? I just keep telling myself, that murdering this dude MUST eventually happen. It has to. And that to get that point, I must soldier on. MY PATIENCE SHALL BE REWARDED.
I can only hope that I get all my favorite guns back before that happens. I’d hate to have to murder him with this stupid police pistol. I would much rather he face…Maria.