This Caravan game shit is fucking weird man. But apparently quite popular.
As I approached Primm, walking there from Goodsprings, injecting stimpaks directly into my left foot because you ain’t finding insoles for your high arches in the Wasteland motherfucker, an NCR guy is all “I wouldn’t go in there.”
Oh okay thanks whatever.
I walk into town only to find myself being charged at from all sides by convicts fuuuuuuuck. I take cover and start shooting and I’m getting hit all kinds of bad and I finally decide I gotta make a run back out of town. I dart away taking down another couple convicts with dynamite as I do. After taking a minute to regroup, I head back into town, a bit slower this time. As I near the door to the casino, two more convicts try to kill me and I shoot them quick and run for the door, thinking to myself “pleeeeaaaase don’t be full of convicts.”
I thrust the door open, burst inside! No convicts! Phewfta!
A man runs over to talk to me as I catch my breath, “what are you doing here?”
I say to him:
*drink of water*
“Wanna play a game of Caravan?”